started of with some of my favorites. This is a picture from visiting Leila with Ginny in Fairfax in January. Yay best friends!

This spring was my last semester at the University of Maryland. Sadly, it was time to say Farewell to college life and college friends. But, we had a heck of a time doing it! Spring semester shenanigans consisted of: playing Hide and Seek in CSPAC, visiting President Mote's house, muumuu party, smoothie nights, roadtrip to Raleigh to see the girls play bball, family dinners, one last hurrah in the View, and (pictured here) swimming in the fountain on McKeldin. I love my Ellicott 8 Fam <3

Oh yeah, there was still school work. I was a student-teaching intern from Jan-May which had ups and downs. Plus, I juggled at least 2 more classes and an Honors Senior Thesis Project. Amy, Katlyn and I co-wrote 80 some pages about Financial Incentives that matter to future teachers. It felt great to be done with such a huge project! Woohoo!

Graduation! Graduating was a bittersweet event. But, what an accomplishment! I now have a Bachelor's Degree. Good thing I'm still putting off the real world. This pic is my 2 year roommate, Emily!

Then came SUMMER! My absolute favorite 3 months of every year. I got to spend one last summer at my favorite place ever: Camp Westview on the James! I became instant besties with my other support team members: Meredith, Daphne and Collin (or as we lovingly called each other: Courtney, Daphanondrea, and GUUUUUUURL). There were many good times at camp this year including countless youtube clips, many trips to Bdubs, and so many laughs. The last weekend was Daphne's birthday and she invited us out to her lake house. We spent the full day out on the water and then had a huge delicious bbq feast that night. It was so much fun! Here's a pic of Lingerfelt, Daphne and I on the tube :D

October brought about the biggest adventure as of yet. I moved across the pond to teach English to little French kids, my dream of 3 years at least. Things have been great so far and I'm lucky to have found a wonderful group of friends. Sure, they're mostly Americans, but what can I say, we're the best :) haha. This is from the Thanksgiving celebration at my house which was so much fun!

Well, Farewell to 2009, its highs and lows. I am already aware that 2010 will have its own challenges. Et's going to be another major transition year which includes buying a computer (wait, I thought I did that last year...), finding a *gulp* real job, finding an apartment, etc etc. But, 2010 definitely has potential and will hopefully bring more happiness :D