Thursday, January 28, 2010

la vie française

They say there is a curve of culture shock; once you move to a new place, you go through a little dip, eventually you start coasting, then the same thing happens when you go home again, you usually start good, theres a little dip where you miss the other place, and then you get back into your old routines and coast again. I think I am currently in the zenith of this adventure.

December was a bit of a special case dealing with the theft of my computer, then things started getting worse between my roommate and I. Two weeks ago I was stressing about my roommate, so I got out of the house and went to Pub Quiz at MaNolan's. That whole weekend I was out with different people, enjoying life. Sunday I went hiking around near Villefranche then up and over the colline (right near Elton John's house, btw) with Casey, Jane and Ursula. December and the beginning of January were the end to my little dip, and now I am just loving my life.

Last week I felt light and happy, the weather has improved and I spent an hour and a half out on the beach soaking up the son. It was around 60° and the weather returned again today. Hopefully the weather will continue to get better and better as spring comes, ensuring better moods from me too.

Additionally, this past weekend I got to get out of Nice for the first time since arriving. My friends and I went to Avignon, and although the weather was grey and cold (there was a pile of snow by the bus station) I really had a great time. I will post more later, but my camera did not want to let me upload my pictures tonight.

This lifestyle is just too great. Sure, I miss my family and friends, and American food (sometimes) but I am so happy to be here. Last month I was very tired of Nice, I feel like I've seen all the sights, but today I was wondering if when I leave this will just be another home to me. It's hard because my friends leave when I do, so all thats left is the ocean. But on the other hand, when I leave, I will have lived in Nice for a total of 12 months. And this time I really feel like I am living here: Im getting paid to a French bank account, I pay rent, I have to deal with social security and all types of things. It feels like a much more authentic experience.
From where I am standing right now, May is going to come too soon :/

1 comment:

  1. i hear ya! i'm already planning my next (at the very least year-long) visit to lyon! it feels so much like home to me (and like you, my adjustment period was pretty long...)and i can't imagine how different next year is going to be after having been in france for a year by myself. i feel like i've become so much more independent and confident and am afraid that returning to the Charlottesville and Davidson bubbles is going to put limits on those new qualities. we'll see!
    just don't start counting down the time! it'll just make your last months go by even faster. this is advice for me just as much as for you...
    anyway, keep on keepin' on franny! and keep posting! :)
