Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bread Baking

I’ve actually made a lot of progress on my summer goals, as well as traveled a lot! I am now mostly proficient at driving the stick shift—I still occasionally screech the tires when taking off, but I have backed into a tight spot and not hit the 2 boys helping me.
As far as cooking goes, I make a new recipe for dinner at least once a week. My parents are really loving that I am helping out, and we’ve discovered some yummy new additions to the menu.
About two weeks ago I made bread for the first time. I decided to make an olive-onion foccacia bread, and it turned out even more like pissaladière (a niçois specialty) than I thought it would, but it was still tasty. Here are some pictures from my adventure.

My little ball of dough.

The risen dough, ready to be rolled out.

It's starting to look a lot like foccacia...

The finished product-- yummy Olive and Onion Foccacia :)

I'm ready to make some more bread! Maybe some yummy French bread to come.

1 comment:

  1. 1. i've bookmarked a great looking foccacia recipe that i still haven't tried. bread intimidates me! i've got horrible luck with yeast. but trying to make it either this week or next (as in, before i head back to school and while the parents are still paying for groceries).

    2. baguettes. i've made 'em. they ain't easy.
